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Group Counselling

      It has been well established that people are community-centered by nature. We do a lot better when we have a network of support around us and far too often people end up isolated and alone when what they really need to be well is support. Group work is an excellent way to build up a community of individuals who understands what you are going through, where you can experience compassion, empathy and healing.


Some common Support Groups that are available:



Substance Use





When Love Hurts

(for women who have experienced abuse)

Group Availability

End Abuse (phase 1, 2 or 3)- TBD


Grief Support Group- TBD


Groups will become available upon demand in 10 week cycles.

If you have further questions about Group Counselling, or if it is something you'd be interested in please reach out to me letting me know what group you would like to be a part of and I will let you know the availability and if there is a waitlist.
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